Becoming a new parent is a BIG transition. Not just for the new mother, but also for the non-birthing parent. In this episode, we sat down with Bryan Cohen, M.A., M. Ed. and did a deep dive into fatherhood, the nuances of parenting and the…
What is a BRC Consultation REALLY Like? The Feeding Frenzy Episode 03
You may be wondering, why should someone do a consultation with an IBCLC? Well, if you’ve ever wondered what happens at a BRC consultation, now is your chance to find out! While breastfeeding can be a beautiful time with your newborn baby, it can also bring…
Back-to-Work and Breastfeeding The Feeding Frenzy Ep 12
Pumping and returning to work can be anxiety-inducing, but with some tips and planning, we can help you get off to a great start with heading back-to-work and breastfeeding, as well as be more successful. In this episode, we talk with Malaeika Montgomery Davidson, Esq.…
Breastfeeding & Quarantine-ing
When I finally sit down in the rocking chair in my baby’s nursery after the bedtime routine, I take a deep breath, cuddle him close, sniff his freshly washed head, and…worry some more. What about breastfeeding a baby during a pandemic? Do I need to stop? Should I pump and have someone else bottle feed him?
Sleep. . .the Second Most Asked Question at the BRC
We need to offer an option to the often-used “cry it out” or “controlled crying” method
Tips for Traveling with Babies and Kids
With the holiday season already in full swing, here are a few tips and tricks for traveling with little ones. EXTRA TIME. No matter how you are traveling, be sure to give yourself extra leeway with arrival and departure times. Diapers,nursing sessions, potty breaks, and…
How Can I Help? 10 Things to Say to Parents and Caregivers of Babies.
Many of the people who come through our doors at the Breastfeeding Resource Center are parents of newborns. They are strong, persistent, and dedicated to doing the best they can for their babies. But, even super heroes can use some help. How can we as…
Keeping Your Cool While Breastfeeding this Summer
During the dog days of summer, it can get pretty hot (and sweaty) when feeding baby. So how do you keep yourself and baby cool? A few of the BRC Board members wanted to share some tips to beat the heat while feeding baby. And…
Getting On Your Yoga Mat After Baby
As a dedicated yogini who continued practicing throughout my pregnancy, I was sure that I would continue regularly once my son was born. Well, those expectations were proven too high, and my yoga mat sat rolled up gathering dust for weeks after he arrived. With…
Is Sign Language Good for Your Baby?
Sign Language has become popular over the past ten years as a way for parents and their young children to learn to “listen” to each other in a new way. Signing is a tool for families to use with their babies in order to communicate…